A theoretical study of neutral and reduced tetracyano-p-quinodimethane (TCNQ).
B. Milián, R. Pou-Amérigo, R. Viruela, E. Ortí.
J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem), 2004 709, 97-102.

A new series of pi-extended tetrathiafulvalene derivatives incorporating fused furanodithiino and thienodithiino units: a joint experimental and theoretical study.
R. Berridge, I.M. Serebryakov, P.J. Skabara, E. Ortí, R. Viruela, R. Pou-Amérigo, S.J. Coles, M.B. Hursthouse.
J. Mater. Chem.2004 14, 2822-2830.

On the electron affinity of TCNQ.
B. Milián, R. Pou-Amérigo, R. Viruela, E. Ortí.
Chem. Phys. Lett., 2004391, 148-151.

Highly conjugated p-quinonoid pi-extended tetrathiafulvalene derivatives: A class of highly distorted electron donors.
M.C. Díaz, B.M. Illescas, N. Martín, R. Viruela, P.M. Viruela, E. Ortí, O. Brede, I. Zilbermann, D.M. Guldi.
Chem. Eur. J.200410, 2067-2077.

Spectroscopic and theoretical study of the molecular and electronic structures of a terthiophene-based quinodimethane.
J. Casado, T.M. Pappenfus, K.R. Mann, E. Ortí, P.M. Viruela, B. Milián, V. Hernández, J.T. López Navarrete.
ChemPhysChem20045, 529-539.


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Prof. Enrique Ortí
E-mail: enrique.orti@uv.es
Phone nr: +34 963544438
Dr. Juan Aragó
E-mail: juan.arago@uv.es
Phone nr: +34 963543154
Prof. Joaquín Calbo
E-mail: joaquin.calvo@uv.es
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